Tuesday 19 August 2014

Breast Lift Surgery – Preparing For the Surgery

Breasts are among the most important features of body for women and shapely and firm breasts are considered sign of feminity and perfection. But with aging changes occur in the breasts that affect their shape and size. The most common change that occurs in the breasts is sagginess. Breast lift surgery is helpful and beneficial for women who are having this problem. The surgery addresses uneven and saggy breasts , droopy nipples and stretched areolas and gives breasts a youthful shape and look. Every year a large number of women undergo breast lift surgery without experiencing any major problems and are pleased with the results.
Breast lift surgery no doubt gives successful and beneficial results but the procedure has some requirements for this purpose. First of all you should select an experienced surgeon and reputable clinic providing up to date facilities. You should also know about the dos and don’ts associated with the surgery. You should be well prepared for the surgery and should know about tests, prescriptions and post surgical care to get optimal results. Though, your surgeon guides you about all the factors associated with surgery but here are some general preparatory steps for the surgery.
·         If you are smoker, you will have to quit smoking at least two weeks before as well as after the surgery. This is because nicotine and other harmful substances in the smoke of cigarettes delay the healing of wounds and infections may also be caused.
·         If you are taking any medications, these prescriptions must be in the knowledge of your surgeon because he or she will either advise you to stop these medications or will make alterations in the prescriptions. Don’t resume taking these medications till your surgeon considers it safe for you. Certain medications like aspirin and anti inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements are prohibited.
·         When it comes to your diet, you should go for the food containing plenty of minerals, proteins and vitamins that are helpful for healing process.
·         Lab tests and medical evaluation will be done before surgery, so, you should be prepared for this also. If you had any surgery previously or have some major disease, this should be in knowledge of your surgeon.
·         You should also get baseline mammogram before and after the surgery to detect any changes in the breast tissues. Mammography is the process of examining breast using low energy x-rays and is used as screening tool.
·         Make it sure also to arrange for some care taker for yourself because after the surgery, you will have to restrain yourself from some activities even from driving. So, there should be someone to drive you to home and take your care there.

·         Before and as well as after the surgery, you should avoid vigorous activities and exercises. However, you can go for mild exercises before breast lift surgery.